Learn Hebrew Faster with the Dream Team:
Two of the World’s Top Hebrew Teachers…
Revolutionary Teaching Methods…
1/3 the Price of Competing Courses!
Would you like to learn Hebrew much faster?
Then please read on.
Shalom. My name is Seth Young.
You may have heard of me, as I am one of the world's most prolific Hebrew teachers. Tens of thousands of students currently learn Hebrew via my courses, webinars, CDs, websites, email lists, and Facebook groups and pages.
But here's the thing: I did NOT learn Hebrew as a child, except for a few years at one of those "Hebrew schools" — the kind where you don't learn much, and you forget most of what you do learn.
As a young adult, I decided to become an observant Jew and move to Israel. I desperately wanted to speak to Israelis, survive in Israel, and learn Jewish texts (such as the Hebrew Bible / Tanach) in the original Hebrew.
But when I started this new direction in life, I didn't even know all of the Hebrew alphabet any more.To make up for what I had missed as a child, I spent many years learning Hebrew. I was a very dedicated student, but still, it did NOT come easily to me.
But for you, that is actually good news.
“The Dream Team method of teaching Hebrew grammar and the structure of the Hebrew language is far superior to any other course I have been introduced to, including one I paid approximately $950 U.S. dollars for, unfortunately.
"I also would like to add that their customer service department will go 'above and beyond the call of duty' to assist you."
Ken Davis
Herzliya, Israel
Learning from my own experience, I have determined how to teach Hebrew properly, and I can teach YOU Hebrew faster, better, and for less money than just about anyone else.
I have built a huge, multi-level Hebrew learning operation. Again, with tens of thousands of students. They benefit from the innovative and effective tools I have created for different levels of Hebrew study. Simply put, my methods work better than the others. People join my courses, see how fast they progress, and stay for the long term.
"I really appreciate Seth as a Hebrew teacher. He is patient, understanding and willing to answer any questions I have."
Abigail Wolfer
Cincinnati, Ohio
It took me MUCH longer to learn Hebrew than I expected. But as it turns out, it wasn’t my fault — and it is probably not your fault that you are struggling, either.
You see, most professional Hebrew teachers learned the language as a child. They may be wonderful people with excellent Hebrew. But they don't really understand how to teach the language to busy adults like you!
"We've recommended the Dream Team Hebrew course for years now, and have literally 100% positive feedback. We have yet to hear from even one dissatisfied student, which speaks volumes about the course and teachers."
Rabbi Yaakov Menken
How could they? Their experience was completely different than yours.
On the other hand, I know what will work for you because I know what worked (and didn't work) for me when I learned Hebrew as an adult. That is why I created the Dream Team.I have teamed up with Gidon Ariel (pictured at right) to create a revolutionary new Hebrew course. Gidon is a bilingual, bicultural American-Israeli who grew up in both the United States and in Israel. His Hebrew and English are both at the mother-tongue level.
Gidon is a 100% Israeli who speaks YOUR language too, fluently and without an accent.
Of all the bilingual people I know here in Israel, when I thought about whom I wanted to teach with me, Gidon was the clear choice.
Together we have the best of both worlds: Perfect Hebrew (and English) and a rare but critical understanding of what YOU need to learn Hebrew.
Gidon and I have built a course which is very different than so many others, and we have made learning Hebrew much easier.
Together, we are the Dream Team — YOUR dream come true for learning Hebrew faster.
with the Dream Team
"I have learned so very much from the classes. You're super instructors!"
Our teaching methods have now been tested by over 3000 paying students.
Based on their feedback, we are confident that our approach will help you:
- Progress (much) faster in both Biblical and Modern Hebrew.
- Learn how to translate hundreds of Hebrew words you have never even seen before! (Yes, it is possible — even easy! We will show you how.)
- Learn via simple mnemonics that really work — not tedious memorization, which drains your motivation to continue.
- Impress your family, study partners and Israeli friends with your progress!
- Immediately improve your understanding of Hebrew texts, including the Hebrew Bible, Jewish prayers, and Hebrew newspapers.
"You are the first teachers to help
me see the forest and not just the trees..."
(Turn your volume up if necessary:)
You will receive a new video class every week. We base each lesson on our innovative teaching methods, which include:
- The big picture on HOW Hebrew works.
- Simple learning tricks, explained in English. We devised these memory aids ourselves; you are probably not going to find anything like them anywhere else.
- A summary of powerful grammar rules which will enable you to easily turn one Hebrew word into dozens of others.
- A focus on the important concepts that matter the most. NOT minutiae or exceptions.
- Clear directives about what NOT to waste your time on!
You will wonder why everyone doesn't teach this way. (I wonder myself....)
"Thank you, all of you, for offering this fantastic course. What I have already learned of the Hebrew language (and culture) is invaluable to me for understanding the Torah and Tanakh. I am thankful for what I've been able to learn from you and gladly would recommend your course to others.
May the Lord bless you and keep you."
Jason Taylor
St. Louis, Missouri
- You can pick your own level. If you are not a beginner, we can easily move you forward to more advanced classes.
- You can ask for guidance from our team of expert Hebrew teachers. We will help you get where you want to go.
- You will have access to the lessons 24/7. The class videos and other materials will remain available to you online, for as long as you are a member of the course. You can watch them whenever you want, as often as you like. Rewind, review, catch up, skip ahead... even download them and watch them offline. Never miss a class again!
"Shalom Seth and Gidon,
Keep up the awesome work... Todah rabah for all you are doing."
- Custom teaching materials. People love the special materials which we create for the course. We put them online in printable format so you can print and review them whenever you like, online or off.
- No huge up-front charges! Pay just one month at a time, not many months in advance.
- You are never locked in — cancel at any time! YOU decide how long you will be in the course; you can cancel your own membership at any time. Or ask us to cancel it for you. We take pride in handling cancellation requests promptly.
"Let me tell you how impressed I am with this class and your method.
Thank you for making this learning possible at a cost I can manage."
Ruchama Burrell (age 69)
Berkeley, CA
I know that you are wondering if this course is affordable.
Competing courses can cost $100/month or more for their weekly classes. Some of them charge serious money for an initial trial. Some charge 3 or 6 months in advance! Most people are not willing or able to pay hundreds of dollars to learn Hebrew, no matter how good their intentions.
"The classes are great and I appreciate your diligence and professionalism of teaching the Hebrew language."
Butch Folsom
Kathleen, Georgia
Our course is worth as much as theirs are, maybe more. We could charge $100/month or more just like they do.
But we want to reach as many people as possible and not just to teach Hebrew to a select few.
That is why our course does NOT cost over $100/month.
"Thanks for the enjoyable, low pressure way to keep being exposed to Hebrew."
Roberta J. Evensen
Chicago, Illinois
Not even $77/month.
Not even $57/month.
As part of this special offer, when you will sign up today you will get the free bonuses above worth $33 and get access to our course for just…
That’s right, the price of this course is just 1/3 the price of some of the other courses out there!
“I have been working together with Seth for a number of years — as a colleague on mutual projects, as a neighbor, and as a personal friend. I can attest that Seth is extremely honest, and that you can rely on his guarantee with peace of mind.”
Rabbi Boruch Rappaport
We use PayPal for processing membership payments. PayPal is one of the most well-known, trusted, and safe ways to buy online. Your payment information is never revealed to us or to anyone else. And PayPal lets you cancel your own subscription with or without our help or consent.
You can feel safe knowing that your payment is being processed by world-class experts in security. And that you will never have to beg someone to cancel your subscription should you like to stop.
(NOTE: If you have issues with PayPal, you can contact us at our Help Desk to use one of our backup payment processors instead.)
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learning Hebrew faster than ever before.
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